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  • Brigitte Yuille

Welcome to Communications in Business


Welcome to BYCom's "Communications in Business" blog.

I decided to create this blog because I am intrigued with how we talk to each other and how our interactions change every day. From the way we frame our conversations and use new terms, to the software and devices we use to make connections. I also saw an opportunity to learn how we as business professionals can communicate better in our work environments.

The blog articles and videos that are here will examine trends in communications within several business environments and industries. We will delve in to see how these trends are reshaping our conversations and interactions.

I have found that "why" we talk to each other as well as "how" we talk with one another has the ability to determine our present, define our past, and set the course for our future.

Here are some amazing historical examples.

The Berlin Wall

On June 12, 1987, former U.S. President Ronald Reagan gave a speech in Berlin that was barely recognized in the newspapers the next day; however, the delivery of one fiery line directed at the leader of the Soviet Union resonated a couple of years later:

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall."

The Berlin Wall, once a powerful symbol of the Cold War collapsed in the Fall of 1989 as crowds of people swarmed around it. Some arrived with hammers and picks. They pounded and chipped away parts of the Wall. This happened right after the leader of East Germany's Communist government announced its citizens could freely cross the border to the West.

As the citizens tore down the Wall, President Reagan's forceful rhetoric resurfaced and became linked to the events. His speech has now been considered among his greatest because many people have believed that his provocative statement helped to ignite change.

The First Generation iPhone

In 2007, a new type of mobile phone was introduced. It started with this haunting statement:

"Every once in a while, a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything."

Steve Jobs presents the iPhone

When the legendary Steve Jobs unveiled the first iPhone, it was considered one of his best presentation pitches. Although this mobile device was not the first smartphone, it's design and functionality became a game-changer that transformed mobile computing. It was, as he explained, an iPod with touch controls, a phone and an Internet communicator all in one device. His compelling narrative about the iPhone's development and his anticipation to bring it to the public surprised and intrigued his audience, but his passion helped to sell the product.

The 44th U.S. President

One year later, a nation's newly elected leader led people all over the world to focus on the present moment. It became "a defining moment" in U.S. history. People watched and absorbed history unfold right before their eyes:

"If there's anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are impossible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer."

In this moment, the 44th U.S. President Barack Obama reminded people of the nation's democracy, the possibilities created by the founding fathers of the United States, the diversity of the nation's immigrants and the power of "hope."

So, our word choice and delivery can help set the course for change, ignite a revolution, and solidify our values, which makes effective communication extremely relevant to the success of a business. The business environment is a minefield of decisions that either work or don't work, and these decisions are guided by the ways and means of how we communicate.

Images Courtesy

White House Photographic Office - Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

Blake Patterson, CC BY 2.0

Gabbec, CC BY-SA 3.0

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